We Are Walking in Honor of Briella. Please Help Us Meet Our Goal.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 10- First Time Holding Her!

Today we got the best news. After they removed her line in her belly button I could hold her!!! I cannot even describe the peace I feel now. After holding her, I just can feel that everything is going to be alright. I was really scared that she was going to be angry that she was moved, but as soon as they put her on me she went right back to sleep. Her numbers were so great the whole time-actually too good!! They had to keep lowering her oxygen because she was doing amazing on her own. It takes a team to move her. They have to come tape all of her ventilator equipment on the chair around me. I could feel her "burrow" into my chest. She knew it was mommy. I was able to hold her for about an hour an a half!

We are now allowed to hold once a day as long as her numbers look good. Tomorrow Daddy is going to get to hold her! I can't wait until Tuesday when it's my turn again!!!!!!!

P.S. the really cute lil white hat that is in the pictures below was made by Kati Flowers Smith!!! Thank you so much Kati!!!!!!
And there is one picture with her lil eye open (and she has the binkie in her mouth-the long white stick)!!!

Please pray that she continues to tolerate her feedings (she is up to 7ml every 3 hrs!!) Pray that her PDA closes and her brain bleed is resolved.


  1. So beautiful, the both of you! Love this!
    Lori (Elle-Girls in Manitoba, Canada)

  2. that's such wonderful news! I'm so happy for you! Beautiful pictures, too! Still praying everything heals and goes well.

  3. Congrats Stacy! She is beautiful! Gald she is doing sooooo well!

  4. Congratulations Stacy! So Happy to hear she is doing so well, and know you and Briella devoured the cuddle time y-day!! Continuous Prayers for Briella, You and Family Going Up!!!


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